Select Page

At the 30th SolarPACES Conference, held in Rome from the 8th to 11th of October 2024, project partners ENEA and DLR promoted the HySelect project with the official project leaflet and roll-up as well as a poster and oral presentations!

The poster presentation was delivered by our project partner from the DLR institue of Solar Research, entitled Demonstration of efficient water splitting via a solar hybrid thermochemical cycle with sulphur dioxide depolarized electrolysis.

In addition, the innovative centrifugal receiver CentRec® developed and patented by DLR was presented in an oral presentation entitled “Commissioning and first operation experience of the HEHTRES CentRec® receiver and the solar high temperature particle test facility” with reference to the HySelect project.

The dissemination and communication activities of both partners at this conference provided an insight into the general concept of HySelect and its innovative approach to hydrogen production.

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