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On the 10th of July 2024, the HySelect project was promoted by the project partner FEN Research GmbH at the TRIĒRĒS WIVA P&G HyWest Hydrogen Valley Workshop, which took place at the Green Energy Center Europe in Innsbruck, Austria.

The HySelect project summary was presented by Niusha Shakibi Nia during the first part of this workshop, highlighting FEN Research’s current activities in 15 national and international projects through the HyWest Hydrogen Valley. The innovative approach of HySelect was presented through the official project leaflet and project roll-up as well.

The TRIĒRĒS project aims to create a “Small Scale Hydrogen Valley” in Greek, with geographical reference to Motor Oil Refinery of Ag. Theodoroi in Corinth. The collaboration with the national WIVA P&G HyWest Hydrogen Valley is planned through FEN ResearchCodex Partner and representative of the Green Energy Center Europe. This regional hydrogen valley will be used as a model for the development of a largely autonomous regional green hydrogen economy based on the logistics principle.

The international consortium of TRIĒRĒS, consisting of 26 partners from five different countries (Greece, Cyprus, Austria, the Netherlands, Egypt) participated in the event.

The leaflet and the roll-up, published in May and June 2024 respectively, provide an insight into the the general concept of HySelect.


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