At the Green Energy Center Europe Codex Partner annual event, held on 23rd of October in Innsbruck, Austria, the HySelect project was presented by Niusha Shakibi Nia from FEN Research GmbH.

A general overview was first provided to the project goals and project partners; German Aerospace Center (DLR), Centre for Research and Technology-Hellas (CERTH), Aalto University (AALTO), Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), FEN Research GmbH (FENR), Grillo-Werke AG (GRILLO), based on the project website. Further technical details regarding the Sulphur dioxide Depolarized Electrolysis (SDE) were discussed with Codex Partners H-TEC SYSTEMS and TEADIT International Productions based on the poster presented by DLR at the first Helmholtz Energy Conference.

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