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The Austrian Association for Gas and Water (ÖVGW) is the voluntary representation of Austrian gas network operators and water supply companies. One of the main objectives of the ÖVGW is to ensure uniform, recognised guidelines through its body of rules and regulations. In this respect, close cooperation has been established with both FEN Research GmbH and FEN Systems GmbH, CODEX partners of the Green Energy Center Europe, for the development and maintenance of technical standards for green gas in Austria.

As part of the greening the gas strategy currently under implementation by ÖVGW, specific research projects are ongoing together with scientific partners at national and international levels. HyQuality is a collaborative research project between FEN Research and ÖVGW, ongoing since February 2023, aiming to develop an affordable monitoring process for the quality assurance of electrolytic hydrogen. A tolerable error probability for the release of hydrogen with unacceptable quality is to be determined. Taking into account the identified potential impurities and their effects on the fuel cell, suitable key parameters for continuous monitoring are to be selected. A statistical mathematical model, which will be developed on the basis of the data recording, will be used to extend the continuous process monitoring. The defined probability of failure occurring in the model is to be used to draw conclusions about the need for additional monitoring. The project summary is available in the latest version of the Green Gas Research Report published in 2023.

Several guidelines for hydrogen systems have been developed in cooperation with FEN Systems through meetings and working groups, including published guidelines for hydrogen composition, hydrogen production plants, hydrogen pipelines and hydrogen supply systems and hydrogen refuelling systems. Other guidelines that are currently being developed include the conversion to hydrogen pipelines, hydrogen pressure regulating stations, mobile hydrogen storage facilities and mobile hydrogen refuelling.

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